Tag Archives: personal experiences

Mystic and Me: Experiencing a Transit through your Dog

Well, the holidays are over but I still have a guest at my house. Her name is Neptune. Now moving away from my Uranus/Jupiter conjunction in the second house, Neptune inches ever closer to laying a square on my Moon (6) opposition Mercury (12) doorstep but I have till May 2012 before it actually makes direct contact. Not such a big concern yet. However, the universe in its infinite wisdom, has given me a small preview of coming attractions. “They” have put me together with my dog Mystic who just happens to be dealing with Neptune conjunct her Sun! Yes, animals are people too and they have transits just like anybody else. Mystic, (I know, I know, the symbolism in the coincidental name of my dog has not been lost on me) has had a simply awful 6 months. In August when Neptune was making yet another pass at her sun she was diagnosed with Lyme’s Disease. At that time she also had the Sun, Mercury and Venus in opposition to her natal Sun.
Here I will to pause to make note of something. I use our planet Earth in all my astrology charts. Although most astrologers pay it no mind I feel that the inclusion of Earth is not only important but a very essential addition to our charts. I explain this in great detail with a book I’ve written and currently trying to get published called: “Earth Rise:  A Case for Studying and Using Planet Earth in Astrology” I’ll let you know if I have any luck. Anyway, in studying this planet one of the things I’ve discovered is its link to the body. The body is the earthly vehicle our spirit inhabits and so it is logical that the planet Earth’s symbolism be reflective of that in astrology charts. When people (and pets) have dealings with their bodies, Earth usually shows up right in the middle of the mix. When Mystic was suffering through her symptoms of Lyme’s Disease she also tore a tendon in the right knee. Along with Neptune, the planet Earth was also sitting on her Sun in transit in August 2011.On December 21st 2011 Mystic went in for knee surgery. The Surgery to correct took place with Neptune once again in conjunction to her Sun but now the Earth placement had progressed and was Trine her Sun and Sextile her own natal Earth! She is recovering but now Neptune’s test (and mine) begins.
The vet has given us strict instructions to keep her quiet. That includes no running and jumping. Mystic is a West Highland Terrier. We live in the country alongside many wild animals. Does anyone see a problem here? In short: It’s been hell. We pile pillows on the couch, she climbs over them, we stack up items on the chairs and she stands on her hind legs to reach the window sills instead, dying for a glimpse of the squirrels, the deer or the raccoons. Then she races through the house barking and we try and tackle her before she does herself harm. We are now the enforcers of the universal will. More than that, we too have restrictions: we can’t laugh, raise our voices or wrestle/rough house or she will get excited and jump or run. I can’t go to town much as she can’t be left alone and taking her raises other issues. So! What has happened is a Neptune transit is being vicariously lived through for everyone in the house. Since I am the one home most hours, next to Mystic, this transit is mostly mine too. It is odd to watch the restriction of movement (we have to carry her down to her dog yard for potty breaks) and the enforcing of the quiet contemplative time that Neptune bestows on someone so close to you and yet not have the immediate burden producing it. In the past when my clients have had Neptune clamp down on them I have counseled relaxation or meditation, a time to take a break from the everyday and dream up new realities for their life. But I don’t know what dogs are supposed to do with their Neptune transits? Do dogs need down time? (Maybe terriers do) Do they contemplate their life and make plans for a new future? Or, is their frustration all in vain? Whatever the case may be, Mystic and I continue to find our way through the shared hurdles of a Neptune transit.

The August Sun

We are a month behind weather-wise in the inland Northwest. It all started with a very cold and rainy spring that really never let up until sometime in early July. We were probably the only place in the country fairly cool all summer. However, now that September is here, we are having our August temperatures at last. In the northern hemisphere August is usually everyone’s hottest month. Appropriately, the sun is in charge of August in astrology because it is the ruling planet of Leo. Most sun sign Leos are born in August. In the public arena it is specifically the sun and sun sign astrology that gets the most press (That should please all the Leos out there.) Everyone is familiar with their sun sign. When we look at the sun symbolically it is representative of the center of the self or, our home base of operations, a touchstone for all that we are in this lifetime, and it governs our self expression, so after all, this is a pretty important piece of the personality to consider.

Besides being a powerful planet in its own right, sometimes the sun can actually be over emphasized in a person and of course that would be reflected in the natal chart. The most common ways a planetary energy can get ramped up are:

1) The sign the sun is in at time of birth can make it stronger
2) Where it is placed in a natal chart, especially when on the cusp of the angular houses 1st, 4th, 7th, or 10th 
3) By aspect: a planet’s power can be increased (or decreased) by its association with other planets    

But when it comes to this “planet” you don’t need to be an astrologer to observe someone with stronger sun energy flowing through their chart. Just like the August sun they are quite noticeable! There is a line from the movie Jurassic Park that describes this situation quite well. In an early scene when the guests are being introduced in the helicopter, Dr. Hammond the park curator, has this to say about one of them:
“You’ll have to get used to Dr. Malcolm he suffers from a deplorable excess of personality.” Have you ever encountered someone like that? When they walk into a room they will take the conversation over. You may admire the way they unabashedly light up the room and never apologize for being who they are. They may be funny, clever or just very entertaining. They’ll delight in being the center of attention and even make you feel somehow special. When it comes to life, they are “all in.”
Sometimes though, the intensity of that sun can also create the loudest or even the most obnoxious person you’ve ever met. (At least you will remember them!) Like the hottest summer sun they can be overwhelming, unrelenting, and exhausting wearing you down until you run for the shade.